Ukraine is a diverse nation. With varied tourist attractions,. Sip coffee in city cafes, hike the Carpathians, unwind by the beach, and explore picturesque forests. Architecture lovers will be delighted by the massive array on offer, including grand Gothic towers, wooden churches, and looming Stalinist constructions.


Things to know before visit Ukraine


Ukraine has dry and continental weather with warm summers and severe winters. Summer prevails in June, July and August with temperatures ranging around 25-30 °C. Winters are harsh and start from November to March. The coldest month is January with an average temperature of about 0 °C.

Places to Visit

Known as the country’s cultural capital, Lviv is renowned for its UNESCO-protected Old Town with its narrow streets, beautiful churches. Charming weather and magnificent museums. This poetic town was the capital of a huge Slavic state called the Galicia-Volyn principality and was founded by Danylo Halytskiy, a prince of the Galicia-Volhynia principality in 1256. Being a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and thereafter Poland, it has a unique image and aura with intricate architecture donning every monument and street.


A must-visit destination in Ukraine, Kyiv is the capital city. It is beautifully made with its stunning churches, eclectic architecture and UNESCO World Heritage sites. The Kiev Pechersk Lavra (Monastery of the Caves) and St. Sophia Cathedral are a must see and so are St Sophia’s cathedral and St. Michael’s Golden domed monastery. A walk down the Andriyivskyy Descent, a cobbled stone street with spectacular Art Nouveau-style House, is a must too.


Located near the Vorskala River, Poltava is steeped in history after the legendary battle between the Cossacks and the Russian Tsar Peter I in the 18th century. Even today, you can find military relics such as the October Park, the Column of Glory and the preserved region of the Poltava Battlefield. There are many great museums in this town too that showcase the military history of the place. Also, visit the main cathedral, the Assumption Cathedral along with its striking belfry.


It is one of the oldest town’s in Ukraine, dating back to the 7th century. Chenihiv has some of the most beautiful monuments including Catherine’s Church with its golden cupolas, Pyatnytska Church and the Tirnity Monastery. Some of the other popular tourist attractions are Borys and Gleb Cathedral renowned for its architecture and the ancient Chernihiv for its resplendent architecture, history and natural beauty. Visitors can spend some time at the Boldyba Hora park and see the beautiful monastery and caves found inside. .


Oft called Little Vienna with Austro-Hungarian architectural heritage, Chernivtsi is a Ukrainian gem. Its UNESCO-protected building- Chernivtsi University is a stunning structure with charming walkways and quaint Vienna-styled cafes. Art lovers would also like this town with Art Nouveau architecture found in the frescoes and interiors of the Chernivtsi Museum of Art .

Travel Advisory:For the latest information and advice on safety and entry requirements please consult your travel agent well in advance of your departure and visit the following government website:
Department of Foreign affairs and trade
Smart Traveler website

Electricity: While traveling to Ukraine it is advisable to carry an international power plug adapter with multiple plug configurations. The standard voltage is at 220V. The standard sockets are two-pronged ones.


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