Things to know before visit Macedonia


Macedonia is split into two parts by mountains so there are two types of climates - in the north and the south. Summer months in the country are in June, July and August with an average temperature of 30 degree Celsius. While winters are from December to March with temperatures dropping to 4 degree Celsius.

Places to Visit

The capital city of Macedonia, Skopje, is also a cultural hub. Here you will be welcomed by modernity but at the same time you can relish the old world charm. One of the best examples of the by gone era is the Old Ottoman Bazaar, the 6th century Kale Fortress and the Mother Teresa Memorial House. History enthusiasts will thrive on the museums, Kameni Most (Stone Bridge) and the Sveti Spas Church. At the same time party lovers with love the eclectic vibe of the city with a pulsating nightlife, cafes and restaurants.


An old Ottoman town, Bitola is also called the “City of Consuls” as it was the diplomatic centre for the area. Two words describe this town the best- elegant and classy and two support this view are the colourful townhouses built in the 18th century, Turkish mosques, the 17th century Deboj Amam Turkish Bath and the vibrant Old Bazaar.

Tsingy de Bemaraha

Mavrovo National Park - It is the largest national park in the country and has some of the best scenery in the country. The Mavrovo Mountain peak is the highest peak in the country and hence a favourite with trekkers. In the winters it works as a skii resort too with people flocking from far and wide to enjoy snow adventures. While at the park, a visit to the lake is a must to admire the half-submerged Church of St Nicolas and take a boat ride.


It is one of the most important archaeological sites in Macedonia. The King of Paeonia found it in the 7th century and over time it has been handed over from the Macedonians, Romans to Byzantines. It has been a strategic center located on the old Roman trading route and was always a hub for travellers coming in from Danube in Serbia and going to the Aegean Sea in Greece.


Macedonia is known for its wine with about 24,000 hectares of vineyards and a 200 year old history of viticulture. Povardarie is the best place for wine in the country with wines that are renowned all over the world including, Vranec and Smederevka. There are three wineries in the region that you must explore- Winery Tikves, Stobi Winery, and Popova Kula. Popova Kula Winery is ranked the best in the country with over 20 varieties of wines being produced here.

Travel Advisory: For the latest information and advice on safety and entry requirements please consult your travel agent well in advance of your departure and visit the following government website:
Department of Foreign affairs and trade
Smart Traveler website

Electricity: While traveling to Macedonia it is advisable to carry an international power plug adapter with multiple plug configurations. The standard voltage is at 220V with a frequency of 50 Hz.


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