With every shade of blue imaginable, moss-green peaks and lined with vivid turquoise lagoons, French Polynesia is a place to take it slow and experience warm, laid-back island culture.


Things to know before visit French Polynesia


French Polynesia, has tropical climate with hot summers. Summer season is between November and April when temperatures are soaring and there is humidity in the air. Winters fall between May and October, when the climate is marginally cooler and drier.

Places to Visit

The largest island, in French Polynesia, Tahiti is divided into Tahiti Nui and Tahiti Iti. It is shaped in the figure of eight and is world renowned for its black-sand beaches and two extinct volcanoes. It also has many beautiful lagoons and waterfalls. Nestled between majestic peaks, it has mystical valleys, azure blue water streams and some of the highest waterfalls.

Bora Bora

A small island, northwest of Tahiti, Bora Bora is surrounded by islets and a turquoise lagoon, coral reefs with soaring rainforest standing tall in the backdrop. It is a scuba divers haven. There are many other water-sports like snorkelling, parasailing and diving also available. This quaint island is a great getaway for someone wanting to enjoy a quiet vacation away from crowds.


Renowned for its jagged volcanic mountains and white sand beaches, Mo’orea is a picture perfect holiday destination. The emerald green cliffs stand tall, towering over the azure blue waters above the stunning lagoon. Snorkeling enthusiasts can feast their eyes on some of the most colorful coral reefs and also beautiful marine life. Adventure enthusiasts can take on some hiking along the lush hills or kayak in the water.


It is an island in the Leeward Islands. This small flower shaped island is nestled amongst soft mountains with white sand beaches. You can get the smell of fresh vanilla, flowing down from hillsides dotted with vanilla farms. These aromas announce your arrival in the island much before you set foot here. Hence, it is aptly nicknamed the “Vanilla Island”. The pearls found here are of exceptional quality.

Travel Advisory: For the latest information and advice on safety and entry requirements please consult your travel agent well in advance of your departure and visit the following government website:
Department of Foreign affairs and trade www.dfat.gov.au
Smart Traveler website www.smartraveler.gov.au

Electricity: While traveling to French Polynesia it is advisable to carry an international power plug adapter. The standard voltage is at 220 Volts. The plugs used here are the European ones with two round prongs.


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