Myanmar offers a feast of amazing things to see and do. Travel back centuries when touring Myanmar (Burma) as this captivating country emerges as South East Asia’s surprise destination, witness epic history, extreme natural beauty, gentle people and a profusion of golden temples, pagodas and stupas that reflect the country’s strong Buddhist faith. visit some of the 2,200 temples, an astounding collection that rivals Cambodia’s Angkor Wat.


Things to know before visit Myanmar

Best Time to Travel

Myanmar has three seasons- hot season that falls between March and May, rainy season from June to October and mild winters between November and February.

Places to Visit

Just like any other metropolitan city would have, Mandalay is Myanmar’s reflection of advancement with tall buildings, professional rush, everyday hustle and more but along with the bust day life chores, Mandalay also offers a deep dive in Bamar culture that can be encountered at the pagodas, monasteries, workshops and more.

Inle Lake

Inle Lake is a huge freshwater lake located in Nyaungshwe, which has a comparatively chilled out and laid back vibe that brings relaxation in the air for its travelers. The place is a must visit to explore and experience to unwind and instill the vibe Myanmar wishes to invoke through this aqua-spot.


Bagan is Myanmar’s temple town that is spread across 26 sq miles. Having village life in the heart of the town, Bagan is mostly visited by those who wish to experience the beauty of temples and rising sun in a natural backdrop.

Mergui Archipelago

Mergui Archipelago is located in southern most Myanmar. Archipelago is a perfect yet not much explored destination which is why it is even perfect for tourist to come and tap on the extremely beautiful water body. With white sand and marines at its best, experience the hardly inhabited islands for a breath of fresh air.

Shwedagon Pagoda

Burma is famous for its pagodas, especially Shwedagon Pagoda, for it being the oldest. The visit to this Buddhist site open doors to understanding of the cultural beauty that lies behind this golden appearance. The pagoda is stoned with 4500 diamonds and many other kinds of gems that are stunning in their raw forms.

Travel Advisory: For the latest information and advice on safety and entry requirements please consult your travel agent well in advance of your departure and visit the following government website:
Department of Foreign affairs and trade
Smart Traveler website

Electricity: The electricity volt functioning in Myanmar is same as in Australia i.e. 220-240 volts with British and European plug types.


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