Things to know before visit Benin


Benin has tropical climate with dry winters and a rainy season. It is hot and humid in the country for most part of the year. Winters in the country are from November to January with high temperatures in the day and cool nights. Rains begin in March and go on till October.

Places to Visit
Pendjari National Park

The national park is a top tourist attraction in the country due to its natural habitat. It is home to hippopotamus, buffaloes, elephants and antelopes. Besides this, there are huge species of birds that also reside in the park.


This city has a fine blend of urban vibrancy mixed traditional African charm. It has some beautiful golden sand beaches and the Pendjari National Park to explore. Those with interest in Voodoo culture can visit the “Fetish Market” that has a huge variety of dead animals used in the voodoo festival celebrations.


History lovers will enjoy this city. It has a great mix of French and Portuguese cultures due to historical events from the past. There are many museums displaying exhibits of slavery and voodoo. For those who want to relax and unwind, there are some exotic beaches to laze and soak in the sun.

Porto Novo

The capital city of Benin, Porto Novo is a port city with an urban vibe to it. It is a great introduction to this small African city with many cultural and historical sights to explore. It is renowned for its colonial buildings such as the Brazilian-style Great Mosque. Some of the attractions include; the Royal Palace , the museum of Porto Novo kings and Place Jean Bayol Garden and the Ethnographic Museum.

Travel Advisory: For the latest information and advice on safety and entry requirements please consult your travel agent well in advance of your departure and visit the following government website:
Department of Foreign affairs and trade
Smart Traveler website

Electricity:While traveling to Benin it is advisable to carry an international power plug adapter with multiple plug configurations. The standard voltage is at 220V and the frequency is 50 Hz.


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